Tuesday, February 18

love your food: oatmeal

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When I first tried oatmeal, I couldn't stand it. This is probably because I bought a box of sugar-loaded packets that grossed me out for years. But recently I tried super simple oatmeal and I've been eating it every morning since I started. I was mainly inspired by the beautiful breakfast images I see on Instagram all the time (see above images).
Another reason I love oatmeal is because it's tailored to me. When I start to eat something for breakfast, I eat it for months on end without switching it up until I get sick of it (cheerios and an apple, smoothie, toast and a banana). But with oatmeal, I can have diversity without a hassle. But I do have a specific recipe I like to make most mornings.

Favorites Oatmeal Recipe:
1 cup quick oats
desired amount of boiled water (I don't like too much, I go for a slightly-wet, cookie dough consistency)
1 tablespoon brown sugar
 a dash of cinnamon
1 apple, cut into slices or cubes
1 tablespoon of peanut butter

Boil about a cup of water in a tea kettle. Prepare rest of ingredients.
Measure out quick oats into a cereal bowl.
Cut apple into desired shape, avoiding the core.
Once water is finished boiling, pour into oats, stir
Stir in cinnamon and brown sugar
Top with peanut butter and apples

almost eloise

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