Sunday, October 13

honors class: ways to utilize your planner

Now that school has been in session for a while, I continue to glance at my intense schedule and wonder how I can make my life a bit easier. You all are probably wondering precisely the same thing. To help you out, I'm starting "honors class" to assist you in whatever study help you may need. Leave your questions below in the comments section.

The first step to getting organized for school is by utilizing your agenda. I began by using weekly agendas, which are completely fine, but I prefer to use daily planners due to more available space.
1. Divide
I divide my pages into five sections:
Events- keep your dates organized with what is happening, the time, and the setting. I write down all         after-school activities, tests, holidays, etc.
To-do- write all non-homework things you need to get done such as cleaning out your purse or deleting unwanted apps.
Homework- copy down all assignments given by your teachers during class, immediately after they give it to you. This prevents any scrambling, asking for your friends what the homework is far past they're gone to sleep, and having to admit to your teacher that you weren't listening when you should have been.
Pack- this helps you remember what items to stuff in your backpack later that day once you're home, whether it's your Chem text book, packed lunch, or shorts for gym.
Study- sometimes you get hit with multiple quizzes in one week or even in one day {I recommend beginning to study for tests immediately after you find out the date of the it} to keep track of what you must review, make this list.
This Week- This tab keeps you reminded of items you must accomplish in the near future but not necessarily that day like: gets nails done, finish editing paper, or go to library.
2. Plan ahead
If you are aware of any holidays that aren't included in the agenda, write them along with birthdays and anniversaries. Also, take advantage of your school's website and take a glimpse at the calendar. As soon as any dates are up, I add them in the "events" section. This makes it easier whenever planning vacations, dates, or celebrations. 
Also, to get ready for your crazy to-do list, write down everything that you may have to do in the future. I know that all holiday present should be bought around the first week of December, I add 
3. Make use of extra tabs
Some people don't love the tabs included in their planner and rip them out as soon as they're bought. Not me! I love the address books, list of dates to remember, and notes. Store friend's birthdays and addresses. I like to make lists in the notes section of long term to-do's and wishlists. 
4. Make it fun
Nothing is worse than pulling out a book and finding it tattered due to the rough train ride your backpack goes through. Most likely, the uglier your planner is, the less you will use it. To beautify my planner, I tend to use washi tape for important events and adorable stickers for boring Mondays. One of my favorite things to do is find quotes that I find especially great and write them at the top of a page for a day that I know I'll need it.

almost eloise

ps. The sample above isn't what my days really look like. I created an example so don't worry, I'm not loaded with that much work.